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Full Courses or Individual Lessons & Packages


  • Defensive Driving: YD programs include defensive driving, evasive maneuvers, emergency braking and swerving, and head-on and rear-crash collision avoidance.
  • Best Insurance Discounts: No other driving school can offer better insurance savings to newly licensed drivers after course completion.
  • Since 1970: 1.3 million new drivers trained across Canada. All YD instructors are re-trained annually, ensuring they're always up-to-date.
  • In-Class: All YD service areas are conveniently located with state-of-the-art delivery capabilities.
  • In-Car: Each lesson is 1 student with 1 instructor, and customized. With expert knowledge of terrain and areas, we know where and how to train to gain the most experience.
  • Online: Convenient online programs can be done on your device at your own pace. It's easy to use, engaging and effective.
Full Certification Courses Class
In Car
Road Test
The YD Course ONLINE 30 10 - $999.00 Select
The YD Course ONLINE + Road Test 30 12.25 $1,199.00 Select

Full Certification Courses

The YD Course ONLINE
The YD Course ONLINE + Road Test
Most Popular      + Road Test

Orillia, ON

Young Drivers Orillia Driver Training School

We are the Orillia Driving School you can trust! With over 40 years of knowledge and experience.

Young Drivers of Canada Orillia has over 40 years of experience teaching new drivers how to drive and survive. We offer the most comprehensive defensive Driver Training course in Canada, whether you are a new driver, already licensed, senior driver or corporate fleet driver you are never to old, or young to learn how to drive.

With Young Drivers, its not just a way of driving. It is a way of life.

Young Drivers of Canada has a philosophy when it comes to collisions, which is that accidents are predictable and preventable. In car we teach students to use their eyes effectively, by teaching them where to look, the skills to understand what they see and then the skills to manage the space around them. 

This translates into new drivers with the skill to reduce their risk of a collision. 

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Young Drivers Orillia



QUICKstart - Enrol Today, Start Today!

Why are you walking when you could be driving? At Young Drivers of Canada – Pay Today, Start Today! With our Quick Start Beginner Driver Education Course, you can still take advantage of a reduced G1 probation period and save on insurance but you don’t have to wait until the next course start date. With registration and payment you will have access to Young Drivers of Canada’s exclusive, online e-learning program and pre-book your first few in-car lessons. So Don’t wait! Enrol Today, Start Today!


Want to start driving but your schedule is very, very busy? Young Drivers of Canada has the solution! Our Flexible Quick Start Program will allow you to start a Beginner Driver Education Course immediately beginning with our Online E-Learning Program that you can work on at any time, anywhere! We have Quick Start Flexible Classroom schedules beginning in specific locations (if these dates do not work for you, call one of our representatives).

Driver training in Orillia that fits your needs and your schedule!

Pick a classroom start date and we can work with your schedule at your pace and convenience, book your in-car lessons whenever it is convenient for you as long as you complete your Beginner Driver Education course in one year or less. Don’t wait! Start Today!

The YD Course Online Support

Service Support

 1-888-932-3748 (9:00am - 5:00pm EST)

Technical Support

 1-888-932-3748 (9:00am – 5:00pm EST)

Course Content Support

 1-888-932-3748 (9:00am – 5:00pm EST)
